The main partner of Appenninica MTB Stage Races has allocated one million euros to support the hospitals’ work and sustain its dairies

Ph. E. Melchiorri
The love for your own territory can be expressed in many ways and Parmigiano Reggiano, title sponsor of Appenninica MTB Stage Race, scheduled from July 19th to 25th, chose to act.
The consortium took the field to support Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna and Mantua‘s hospitals during this period of critical health emergency.
The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium’s Board of Direction has decided the allocation of one million euros for emergency supplies, destined in particular to purchase technical equipment such as ambulances and respirators.
In addition, a supply of cheese will be donated to the hospital for the nutrition of its operators, to help relieve the efforts of doctors and nurses fighting day and night against Covid-19 since several weeks.
In this very tough juncture also from an economic point of view, the consortium chose to adopt an internal solidarity policy for its 330 dairies with PDO productions. A financial contribution will be paid to the dairies that are currently unable to process milk into cheese, due to quarantine or Covid-19 related provisions, and are therefore forced to sell it at a low price as drinking milk.
Parmigiano Reggiano follows a strict production discipline that counts a limited production area, including the mountain and pre-mountain communities of the Apennines in the provinces of Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia and Parma, right where Appenninica MTB Stage Race will take place.
In an overall challenging moment for Italy as a whole, Emilia-Romagna has certainly been affected intensely. The Appenninica organizing team is grateful to Parmigiano Reggiano for the important contribution to the health services and companies in the area, and proud of partnering with a company so strongly bound to the territory we love so fondly.